

The Present article is going to study the process of dialectic and self- consciousness from the point of view of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Fichte, Schelling and Hegel.
The core of this article is the approach of Hegel to dialectic and self- consciousness and his criticism on dialectic from the point of view of past philosophers and what he has added to them. In the Science of Logic and also the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences in Outline, Hegel tries to combine the one-sidedness of Fichte and Aristotle and their pure concern over the subjective realm with the objectivity of Schelling and also with the Stoic logic, and therefore relate the thought and existence on the one hand, and by giving a Platonic explanation of the dialectic of Kant, set them as two bases of his own dialectical trinity on the other hand.
Later in his book, Hegel gradually tells us about his theory of master and slave, and through this enters the realm of scepticism and recognizes it as a way to leave the position of 'privation' or 'unhappy consciousness' and enters the stage of religion.
