The Philosophy of Kalam Science in Motahhari’s View Point



The philosophy of kalam science is an external view about kalam that focuses on conceptual and confirmative principles like: definition, subject, the origins of emanation, approaches, historical stages, and other general criteria. From martyr Motahharii’s point of view the function of kalam, as a completely Islamic knowledge is the clarification of Islamic proofs and defense of religious misgivings.
In this article we will demonstrate that according to Martyr Motahharii’s definition the most important positive aspect of kalam is its clarification. Unlike many other predecessor and contemporary theologians (Motekallemin), he believe that kalam is not limited to a singular and particular subject; rather it encompasses Islamic beliefs and religious principles.
Moreover, he holds that there is some kind of cooperation between philosophy and kalam. While in one hand, kalam has forced philosophy to accept new issues; On the other hand, philosophy has brought significant development about science of kalam....
