Criticism of Religious Study Based on the Pragmatic Theory of Truth

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant prof. of university of Istahan


Pragmatic theory of truth is one of the theories of the concept of truth. According to this theory P is a true proposition, if and only if, P is useful in practice. This theory creates an Independent and different attitude in religious study. In this religious study, instead of studying of correspondence or non correspondence of religious teachings to the reality, practical works and objective results of these teachings have evaluating. Truth of religious teachings is depending on their practical outcomes and objective results. This approach is be criticized; because It is incompatible with teachings of revealed religions. Numerous criticisms of this approach are: cognitive relativism, humanism and removing the theism, forgetting "the reality of God" and setting "the concept of God" instead of it, lake of attention to revealed essence of religions, reductionism and reducing the religions to their practical and objective results, propagating a utilitarian and Instrumentalist attitude about religions, lake of attention to death and resurrection, disability to understanding of essence of religion…


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