Tabatabaee`s theological and Interpretative Bases In Predicative Attributions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant prfessor of theoloji faculty religions martyr beheshti

2 master teaching educataion eslam


esmaeel darabkolahi 1. roohollah torabi*2
1. assistant prfessor of theoloji faculty religions martyr beheshti
2. master teaching educataion eslam
Eminent God Predicative qualities are among interpretation and discourse disputes that mentioned in Quran and Revayat. Predicative qualities are those that intellect does not have clear implication in them and because of attributing God in religious texts like Quran and Hadis, they can be referred to God. Accurate and precise identifying of predicative qualities and achievement of human to this wisdom leads to better understanding of God. Explanation of these qualities has long been quarreled among speakers and going to extremes in this regard have disruptive consequences for Islamic nation that history and Islamic branches express this fact.
. Concerning predicative qualities, there are four general ways:
1. The theory of proving predicative qualities with simile
2. The theory of stopping and resignation
3. The theory of proving predicative qualities stipulating quality-free
4. The theory of paraphrase.
With explanation of predicative qualities in the interpretation, it can be concluded that believing God’s corporeality has not been accepted by any of them. In this article we try to get the viewpoint of Shia major interpreter, Alame-Tabatabaii. He believes that with following Ahl-Beit and taking the root meaning and eliminating materials, we should get the serious and final meaning of God’s speech in predicative qualities verses, regarding all circumstances, such as praise verses and rational issues.
Key words: Tabatabaii, Al-mizan interpretation, predicative qualities, resignation,paraphrase,praise, principles, discourse
*. writer : tel: 09192510381


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