Motion in substance of human and Dasein self projection in the philosophy of Mulla-Sadra and Heidegger

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student- philosophy of science & technology, Institute For Humanities And Cultural Studies

2 Assistant Professer in Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought

3 Phd Student- Islamic philosophy, Institute For Humanities And Cultural Studies


One of the most important issues in philosophy of religion is the
anthropology, because the human being is both receiver and addressee
of religion. Our view to religion can be changed by our view to human.
The present article wants to compare the insight of two
philosophers-one of them from the east and the other from the west.
Mulla-Sadra with the presentation of motion in substance in the center of his
philosophy, tried to explain the relationship between human and the
world. This scheme is based on the fundamentality of being, founds human progressive movement in universe stages and the creation of man in nature, worldly
life and in the end, his death is explained in detail. Against
Mulla-Sadra speaks the language of classical philosophy, Heidegger's
attempt to create a new philosophical language. Because he did not
know classical philosophical language enough to interpret the new
ontology. His philosophy is based on the fundamentality of being also and there are many
similarities between his ideas and Sadra's thoughts. Heidegger believed
that the man - Dasein - is constantly in the becoming and growing up
and always is coming out from self and heading to future.
This article is to analysis the similarities and differences into two
philosophers thought by explainition of the motion in substance theory of
Mulla-Sadra in man, human progressive movement in universe stages, outward
projection of self and The Dasein relation with universe in the
Heidegger's philosophy.


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