a comparison between hermeneutical views of Schleiermacher and olama-i Osoul-e Fiqh

Document Type : Research Paper



Both Olama-i- Osoul-e- Fiqh and Schleiermacher have the same hermeneutical object, that is, achieving the intention of author. Schleiermacher plans to achieve this object by two phases of grammatical and technical interpretation and explains them. But exposing notional and assertional significance, Olama-i- Osoul have dealt with assertional significance which is the intention of author, by means of several literal, rational and common sensual rules which are common between all rational humans. Comparing these two views on hermeneutics and explaining similarities and dissimilarities, we conclude that Olama-i- Osoul’s theory is preferred to Schleiermacher’s and leaves no room for anomalous gestures.


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