Criticism of Functional Approach in Religious Study

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor of university of Isfahan


Religious study and propagation has different methods. One of these methods which accepted by educational and cultural institutions in recent years is religious functionalism. This approach which has developed by sociologists follows the practical results of religious beliefs. Functional approach is accepted by educational and cultural institutions because of simplification of religious beliefs, charisma of citation to scientific findings and evidences and managing of religious institutions by graduates of sciences. Functional religious education is very harmful and weakens the religiosity of society. Critiques of functional religious education are this approach is based on unacceptable pragmatic theory of truth, possibility of unreliability of religious beliefs if an alternative has been found, forming a secular value system in the believers' minds and formation an antireligious ideology for believers. Correct and appropriate model in religious education is finding of functions instead of functionalism. Functionalism is exclusive in practical results but in model of "finding of functions" believers learn the rightfulness of religion by rational and traditional approaches then search to functions of religious teachings. Also learn that the fundamental basis of religious beliefs is rational principles and discovered functions have no influence in determine of validity of religion.


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