The relationship between intellect and faith as viewed by Mulla Sadra with emphasis on Sharh osool Kafi and Mafatih ul ghayb

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor of the university of Ayatollah Haeri, maybod


Intellect and faith are of the most important issues in the field of philosophy of religion which can solve many other philosophical problems. Hence, investigating the relationship between intellect and faith and understanding their conflict or compatibility require a careful consideration. We, in this study, investigate the relationship between intellect and faith to identify their harmony or disharmony. But first of all we have to mention two important notes which help us:
First: the conflict between intellect and faith appear just when the intellect exceed its defined limits and enter the area of unseen world (ghaib) which is the area of faith, because the unseen world can be attached by faith and when the intellect itself understand its own limitations. Then intellect feels the need to faith and put aside perspective faculty and known information as Imam Ali says: ‘the admission of ignorance is the perfection of wisdom’
Second: the conflict is in theoretical beliefs not in practical provisions. Because, Islamic practical provisions is in the area of unseen world (ghaib) where the perception of intellect has no authority. Intellect just can infer religious statements indirectly.


قرآن کریم
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