Impact of Grades of Existence in Appreciation of Divine Attributes as from the MullaSadra perspective"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Candidate, Islamic philosoph Associate professor, philosophy of religion

2 Associate professor, philosophy of religion Department, Tehran university


Recognition of divine attributes and the interpretations thereof are represented in the context of diversified thoughts. Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin grounded his thoughts on the idea of existential gradation, whose reality casts doubts on grades of existence. The present study in intended to present a new analysis on semanticity of divine attributes based on appreciation of the reality of the attributes and the manner they are spread out using a descriptive-analytic approach.
Embracing the categorization and denomination of existential stages by theosophists, Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin explains existential orders in three stages: essence, first determinacy, and second determinacy. The stage of essence is vacuity of all attributes and impossibility of speaking about God. First determinacy is the reference of attributes of incomparability, and second determinacy that of attributes of similarity. Nature or permanent selfsame are appearance of divine attributes, which are the general meaning of existence in the universe. Appreciation and recognition of divine attributes by human being is achieved only through acknowledgement of such permanent selfsame, which, as suggested by Sadr-ol-Mote'allehin, is the subject of general particles.


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