God, Impassibility And Suffering : The Doctrine Of Divine Impassibility Review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 .MA Philosophy of Religion from Tehran University (Campus Farabi)

2 Assistant Professor of Kharazmi University

3 PhD student of Qom University


In this essay, we have addressed the question, "Is it possible that God could not affected by all of beings, particularly human beings through evils in the world?" It seems that the Positive answer to this question involves a conflict between the moral integrity and absolute knowledge of God with his ineffectiveness. In such cases, the knowledge of God interprets as understanding of human beings' states namely suffering by evils. Therefore how it is possible that God who does not affected by suffers apprehends human being's suffering at the same time? In one hand the moral perfection of God implied love to his creatures and lovemaking requires harmonious relations between the lover and the beloved leads. So how can we accept that her lover, the man is in pain but I love the pain, no sorrow to not start?
 But those who believe that God does not affected by any things posed some drawbacks on the basis of supposition of God's effectiveness including the effectiveness of God encounters with two problems: first effectiveness is incompatible with non-changeability, second reduced God's happiness. In response to first drawbacks we can appeal to prior knowledge of God, to second we need to propose an explanation according to which the object of divine happiness is to God's Essence is along with all its perfections. In other words there is no imperfection in Divine Essence caused by another one's sorrow. All in all there is no reducing in God's happiness.



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