Foundamental Evolutions of the Concept of “Infinite Essence”

Document Type : Research Paper


PHD.univercity of Tehran


The concept of “infinite essence” that is both philosophically and theologically important, has passed many different evolutions in western history of thought. Presocratics has evaluated it in two different ways. Anaximender and melissus agree that the principle substance is infinite and divine, but neither absolutly transcendent nor anthropomorphic. The infinite is the fusis in its substantial aspect. In another hand, many ancient Greek philosophers specially Plato and Aristotle think that the perfect thing can not be infinite, because in their point of view, the infinite is indetermind both ontologically and epistemologically, so not existant. But Philo in effect of jewish Bible and tradition, set the infinity and perfection together as attributes of God, and Christian theologists in agreement with him, considered God as infinite and transcendent being who is beyond of nature and psychologically person. In last ages of mediavel period some Christians changed their view in respect of transcendence and considered God as immanent but yet person. By the outset of new age, Descartes accepted the idea of infinite, transcendent and personal God and considered that perfection and infinity can be taken together as attributes of divine being.



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