The process of jewish theism with emphasis on quranic witnesses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 asistant professor of shahrekord university

2 Master degree of comparative religions and mysticism of shahrekord university.


Theistic Story in the history of the Jewish people who are categorized in the 
Abrahamic or monotheistic religions , is a path through the ups and downs that embrace from Animism and natural spirits belief  until dissolve all the gods in one God. The history of the Jewish people of the God started of Deism thought nomadic Hebrews and continues to the God of Moses, the Israelites introduced and eventually picked up the Jewish commentators like Maimonides and Spinoza. For these reasons, the story of Israel and their theistic course a very important part in the verses of the holy Qur'an to be allocated and God in this Scripture vicissitudes and distortions of the people in his theistic trends in personal and social development is concerned as well as, and It invites people to learn from the strengths and weaknesses. The main result in this research is the survey of internal factors such as myths, ethnic believes , religious distortion and external factors such as other nations influence on the process of theistic in this religion and it's reflection in the Bible and the holy Quran .


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