Revelation experience and the argument of imagination according to Ibn-Al-Arabi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Quran Knowledge and Ahl -al -Bait Department in Esfahan University

2 Associate Professor of Department of Philosophy in Esfahan University


According to Ibn-Al-Arabi, the bound world or detached imagination is a divine graded excellency in which both the abstract and material world are exemplified. Perception of such manifestation is possible through formal discovery; because the creatures that appear in this realm, have both the delicacy of abstraction and the ability to be tangible like material things. Perception of these creatures depends on the one’s proven talent and requirements. Nevertheless, such realism is not distorted by what was already believed or possessed and it is free. This opinion is against other opinions that either support pure abstraction of truth (such as Schleiermacher’s view) or pure mentality (such as Gadamer’s view). Therefore, the question of perception by example or imagination is subjected to recognizing and believing a realm of existence in which paradoxes come together and despite the success between subjectivity and objectivity, benefits from complete objectivity.


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