A Review of Dividing the Quran into “Firm and Ambiguous” Verses and Explanation of the Interpretation of Ambiguous

Document Type : Research Paper




The subject of dividing the Quran into “firm and ambiguous” verses and explanation of the interpretation of ambiguous has been considered traditionally by the exegetes of the Quran and three subjects of firm; ambiguous; and interpretation have been widely discussed. The identification of the meaning of ambiguous has been mostly discussed and two opinions have more advocates among others. 1) Ambiguous means the hidden worlds like: the intermediate world (period between death and resurrection) and the Path and so forth. 2) Ambiguous means predicate attributes which apparently indicate anthropomorphism of God. The later is approved in the present article.
The word “interpretation” has been applied in different cases in the Quran, such as explanation of the mystery of apparently disgracious acts of Moses’ accompanier; explanation of the mysteries of applying the divine law; explanation of the reality of dream; unveiling all the realities of the Quran in the Resurrection Day; and finally the interpretation of ambiguous.
The selected opinion of the interpretation of ambiguous is to interpret the verse in the light of the firm verses. In another word, we leave Ifrādī appearance and focus on Jamalī appearance. When He states, for example, that we created the heaven and the earth with our hands, it means rejecting the partner in the creation of the world according to the indications. Or He states about Adam that I had created him with both of my hands, which refers to his creation. The instigators adhere to Ifrādī appearance and disconcert the minds of the people and propagate the beliefs on anthropomorphism of God, but those who have firmly rooted in knowledge have understood the reality of ambiguous verses and have firmly believe in both of them and are aware of their interpretations.



    قرآن الکریم.

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