Qadi Abdul-Jabbar and Swinburne on Miracle: A Comparative Survey of Principles and Methods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Islamic Philosophy, Bandar Abbas Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandar Abbas, Iran

2 Department of Islamic Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University


In this paper more than comparing the views of Qadi Abdul-Jabbar and Swinburne on different issues about miracles, we try to show the similarity between presuppositions and methods that they use in debating about miracles. We think that similar presuppositions and methods will lead to the same views. We try to show these similarities in tree sections: presuppositions, methods and attitudes. In “presuppositions” section we show that both thinkers have deep similarities in epistemology, semantics and religious concepts. In “attitude” section we express that both of them are moderate rationalists, and eventually in “methods” section, we state that Abdul-Jabbar and Swinburne use some methods like allegory, division and reproduction of arguments.


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