Axiomatic Atheism in Alain Badiou’s Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated professor, Department of Philosophy, Allameh Tabtaba’i University, Iran

2 MA Student in Philosophy of Religion, Allameh Tabtaba’i University, Iran


Alain Badiou is one of the leading contemporary thinkers whose ideas in philosophy have seriously influenced theological discourses. His thought mainly relies on two pillars, ontology and theory of the event. Based on these ideas, he tries to remove religious/spiritual elements of the contemporary thought. With his novel mathematical ontology of multiple, he tries to categorize and criticize all theological discourses, especially what relates to God, and to block the return of religious thought. He uses mathematics as the ontology of the death of God, which in this text is called ‘Axiomatic Atheism’. Analyzing this title, we first describe the main principles of his ontology, especially what relates to the death of god. Then we examine these principles and his proposed model to show some possible criticism about his atheistic thought.


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