The interplay of beliefs and practices from the perspective of Conduct

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Islamic Thought and Culture Research mysticism


Of the key issues in humanities and practicable mysticism must pay Mutual influence on each other's beliefs and practices that occurs in range of human truth. This effect can be studied in four aspects: the effect of Cardiac Sciences on physical actions, the effect of physical actions on the Cardiac actions, the effects of physical actions on the Cardiac actions and the effect of physical actions and Cardiac actions of Cardiac Sciences. Since the affirmations are basis of actions, thus affecting on the actions And because the physical actions of the Cardiac habits and Cardiac habits of Cardiac actions are thus affecting on the Cardiac actions And because the repeated acts of physical causes firm status in the human truth and Cardiac habits creates, thus affecting on the Cardiac actions And Cardiac actions and physical actions in proportion to the characteristics of each of the two branches of wisdom and ignorance dehiscent carry And dehiscent of each of those characteristics to the strengths and weaknesses of each of the two the wisdom and ignorance, which leads the strengths and weaknesses, affirmations and disproval Cardiac Sciences, thus affecting on the SciencesTop of Form

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