Quranic Narrations Hermeneutic in Mystical Interpretation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 ph.D

2 Ph.D

3 ph.D student


Mystical interpretation is one of interpretational ways which bases on preconceptions like mysteries of revelation and the religious language, the necessity ofdiscoverying verses intentons, and the attention to words nucleus and reality. In other words, the most important bases of the mystical interpretation arethe inner realization and the speech kernel. Muslem philosophers and mystics have used mysteries of the religious language to discover inner meanings of Quranic stories or to find out hidden aspects of religious texts through “hermeneutic of narrations”. This study, given Ricoeur basics, examines characteristics of the narration hermeneutic with descriptive-analytic methodology in muslem philosophers and mystics works.Results show that the narration hermeneutic offers new reading in this respect through a new approach onto religious narrations.Moreover,itscharacteristicsof mystery,multimeaning,and inner realization result in new meanings invention as well as the language strengthening. ultrahistory and timelessness plot a new arena that converts natural,mathematical time to the human time which is expireless;in this status narrations no longer belong to certain people and cultures but they can trip into other worlds and times. Studying these narrations and stories in the mystical interpretation indicates that their main purpose is not to render simple,surface meanings but hidden,unknown meanings are the focus so that hermeneutic of narrations can decode multiplelayers of the meaning.


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