Review Hegel's criticism of religious experience Schleiermacher

Document Type : Research Paper



Being a frequently discussed topic through recent centuries, religious experience is one of the special subject that include wide variety of definitions in the theories of those who believe in it. However, intuitive nature of religious experience is the same element in all these definitions. As a fairly coherent theory, religious experience first propounded by Schleiermacher. Schleiermacher define religious experience as “ the feeling of absolute dependence”.On the contrary to the rational and moral approaches to religion, Schleiermacher establishes a new trend which its foundation is feelings and emotions. This approach seeks a new condition and causes new results that deeply influence the comprehension of religion and God. As a case in point, negative approach to comprehension of essence and features of God can be mentioned as the consequences of religious experience of Schleiermacher.
In Hegel's opinion the religion and philosophy's contents are the same and both of them are phases of soul's consciousness. In his opinion, God's existence and divine essence can be understood only through thinking. By leaning to his own idea about the impossibility of immediate recognition, Hegel, criticizes Schleiermacher’s intuition idea and believes that the theology which is based on feelings is disabled of comprehensive description of God and religion. These criticisms are based on Hegel's definition of religion and his description of the way of gaining awareness. Centered of Hegel's criticism of Schleiermacher's religious experience is the impossibility of immediately knowledge and personal understanding of the religious element in religious experience.


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