Maimonides and QaziSaeidQomi’s Negative Theology: A Consideration

Document Type : Research Paper



Maimonides and QaziSaeidQomi’s Negative Theology: A Consideration
Problems like our knowledge of God, speaking of It, the ways to gain access to It, and its names and attributes have been generally matters of controversy. This leads some to positive theology and some others to negative theology. Those who support negative theology believe that we can talk about God’s acts and attributes just negatively. Maimonides considers the negative descriptions as the true and perfect descriptions of God. Therefore he says that God is absolutely perfect; It is neither like creatures nor It has any partners. Also is QaziSaeid whostrongly disagrees on ascribing names and attributes to God’s essence. He believes in pure transcendence of God. But immoderation in transcendence and purifying, and reliance on negative attitude makes it impossible to talk about God in a real and meaningful way.
Keywords: Negative Theology, Maimonides, QaziSaeidQomi, purify, liken


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