The Relation of the First Emanation with the Creation of the Universe from Sheikh Eshraq’s Perspective with an Emphasis on the Correspondence of the Physical and Metaphysical Concepts of Light

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 PhD student of Transcendent Wisdom at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


No doubt Sheikh Eshraq is the most prominent Illuminationist figure in the Islamic thought. Based on his deep understanding of the Qur'an and the light of wisdom of ancient Persia, as well as the influence of the Neo-Platonic philosophers Hihkmat al-Mashriqayn and big scholars such as Ibn Sina, he built a very coherent and profound system of light, left in the history of Islamic philosophy as his legacy which has no likeness neither before him nor after him. This article is focused on the First Emanation in Sheikh Eshraq’s intellectual system of Illumination, first studying the correspondence between the physical and metaphysical concepts of light. The main concern of the article is to bridge the gap between the sensible and the intelligible, or the sensible light and intelligible light. That is why he tried to begin his discussion with the physics of light. In fact, this is to mean that the inward is not the opposite of the outward in the Illuminationist Wisdom. Physics is not at odds with the metaphysics but is the last level wherethe metaphysical reality or the inward appears.


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