Problem of Evil in the Process Theology and Transcendental Theosophy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistance Professor of University of Kashan

2 M.A. student of Islamic Philosophy & Theology, University of Kashan


Philosophers of religion, in most of the issues about the problem of evil as raised in western philosophical and theological arguments, are focused on the theoretical dimension of this subject. Most of these issues take the inconsistency between evil and the God's attributes as a very important challenge for the believers of theistic religions. Advocates of process theology like Alfred North Whitehead and others in the Chicago School, try to reformulate the problem of evil in another form by offering different descriptions for God and his attributes. Most of their important principles are: denying God's omnipotence and omniscience and his knowledge of future, different interpretation of the relation of God to the world, and distinction between the apparent evil and the real evil. In this article, we try to critique the philosophical and theological principles of process theology, based on the Islamic philosophical and theological principles of the Transcendental Theosophy.


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