Arguing the Differences of Belief in the "Divine Revelation" in Islam and Christianity from the Sociological Perspective and the Theological Differences Arising from it

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in Religious Studies and lecturer at the Univeristy of Farhangian College of Shahid Paknejad, Yazd, Iran


In comparison between Islam and Christianity in regard to revelation two major questions are to be discussed: First, different views of the two religious traditions  in respect to the nature of revelation are primarily deriven from where? Another question: this difference leads to what other theological differences and what is its force of argumentation? The first question is in the field of sociology of religion and the second question is in the field of philosophy of religion. The answer to the first question is that since the Greek cultural paradigm  by the advent of Christianity was the paradigm of polytheism and the belief in gods who were humanoids, the top Christian thinkers in order to develop and promote it - according to the dominant cultural paradigm of that day Greece, gave a reinterpretation of the nature of Jesus and Christianity that to this day continues. The cultural paradigm by the advent of Islam was also based on paganism, but factors such as the victory and domination of Islam throughout the Hijaz in a short time, the gradual revelation of the Qur'an, over a period of 23 years, rasm as a final arbiter and the presence of the Imams after the death of the Prophet led the paradigm of monotheism without any change into acceptance, and to fully replace the polytheistic paganism. The answer to the second question is:the two different perspectives on the nature of revelation, bring about  a series of different theological results on the nature of faith, the nature of the prophet, the nature of the sacred texts and as how to achieve redemption and  guidance, some of which has been referred to. The proofs for these theological results in Christianity is more difficult than in Islam.


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