Thinking about Death and the Meaning of Life in Heidegger

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student, University of Tehran, Iran


According to Heidegger, thinking about death and its influence on the meaning of life arose from the relationship of man with his being and being to his death. Heidegger considers death  to be original to Dasein and considers an authentic life as a meaningful life. He considers the thought of death as a force to break the absurdity of the daily routines of life. Facing nothingness and struggle in the face of death, Dasein gains  insight into the reality of the world, freedom and authentication of his life, and as a result, gives  meaning and direction to his life. Preserving personal identity, discovering Dasein’s existential possibilities in this world, conscious choice and thoughtful life, and responsibility for themselves and others are  the consequences of an authentic and meaningful life. A person who does not die has an inalienable life. And there is this kind of fear and escape from deathand the routines. Such a human being lives in refuge from the fear and anxiety caused by the thought of death, and lives in the will of the community. But, he does not have a real sense of security and the other decision-makers will determine his destiny. Such a person does not have a clear understanding of the goals pursued by  his behaviors, since he does not own  his life and thus feels confused and finds his life meaningless.


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