The Consistency between Religion and Philosophy in Regard to “God and His Creation” and “the Eternity of the World”, based on the Views of Fârâbi and Ibn-Sina

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Islamic Philosophy , Mofid University, Qom, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Mofid University , Qom, Iran


The relationship between religion and philosophy has been of concern to theologians and philosophers for a long time. Among the Peripatetics, Fârâbi and Ibn-Sina have extensively tried to show the consistency and integration between these two areas. The aim of this paper is to show the consistency between religion and philosophy in two important controversial problems, namely “God and His creation” and “the eternity of the world”, based on the writings of some Peripatetics. In effect, this research is mainly based on the views of Aristotle, Fârâbi and Ibn-Sina which have been compared with the Abrahamic religious doctrines. So, we will first examine Aristotle’s views on these two issues, as the founder of the Peripatetic school of philosophy. Following that, Fârâbi’s and Ibn-Sina’s opinions will be compared with the Islamic doctrines, based on some verses from the Qur’an, as the most reliable source of the Islamic principles. Finally, this paper concludes with the fact that there is not a deep and fundamental disagreement between the Islamic doctrines and the philosophers’ views on the two aforementioned issues.


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