An Investigation of Ibn 'Arabi's Theory of Allegorical Interpretation and its Application to the Mystic Interpretation of the Qur’ān

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


The article at hand is an investigation of the mystic method of interpretation of Ibn 'Arabi, one of the pillars of Islamic mysticism. In this study, first a brief introduction to the biography of Ibn 'Arabi and his interpretive works is given and then his interpretive method – which is based on his claimed mystical intuition of the divine revelation – is examined using his interpretive works. Although Ibn 'Arabi believes that intuition can be both the Divine revelations and the Satanic suggestions and Devil impostures, and so the mystic is in need of truthfulness criteria of reason, the Divine Book, and Sunna, he could not keep up with the practical observation of the foregoing principles. The main questions of the article are: What is the basis of the mystic interpretation method of Ibn 'Arabi? Can mystical intuition per se be a complete method for the interpretation of the Qur’ān? Does mystical intuition need the truthfulness criterion? How can the Divine revelations be discerned from the Satanic suggestions? How much has Ibn 'Arabi succeeded in keeping up with the practical observation of the truthfulness criterion? The investigation of his interpretive method is a thorny undertaking due to what experts believe as the intrusion of forgeries and distortions in his works. It is undeniable that in his existing works, there are cases that are not defendable from the viewpoint of reason, the Divine Book, and Sunna, in a way that even his supporters have been forced to rely on the discussion of forgeries and distortions in his works at times. Some instances of such cases are presented in this article. Finally, the article ends with the conclusions of the discussion.


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