The Analysis of the Foundations of the Epistemic Relativism in the Secular Ethics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Colldge of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Given the fact that moral relativism is rooted in the relativity of episteme, it is necessary to address its epistemic foundations. In this paper, three bases of rationalism, individualism, and reductionism will be examined. Since relativism may also be raised at the level of religious ethics, secular ethics will remove the first possibility out of discussion. As one of  the foundations of relativism, the minimalistic rationalism holds that the moral stimulus of the human being is not intellect, rather  emotion. Reason is simply  a prudent instrument under the control of desire. Here, t rationality disappears and the authority of all moral theories is destroyed. In individualism, all humans are equal and have the right to be free to determine ethical values. In this case, the "other" isn’t important at all. Non-awareness of all personal desires and the lack of solution as behavioral contradictions occur are the defeciencies of this foundation.  Reductionism as another foundation regards the human in one aspect and reduces the morality to subjective things and it serves ethics just for the purpose of the biological needs. Not only this foudnation destroys authority itself, but also  denies the lower values and needs by negating the higher values


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