A Comparative Study on the Redemptive Faith based on the Views of Mulla Sadra and the First Leaders of Protestantism

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Haeri University of Meybod, Yazd, Iran


Abrahamic Religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) consider faith as a condition for salvation and redemption in the other world; of course not every faith, but the faith that is life saving and redemptive. This kind of faith, i.e. a redemptive one, is a real one and comes from the religious texts. But the question is what kind of faith is this? According to Mulla Sadra, redemptive faith is a kind of faith that comes from burhan (reasoning, a kind of firm argument) and is the fruit of intuition face-a-face the faith of the simple and ordinary people. However Luther believes that only when a person believes full heartedly and is confident about his faith, then s/he may receive redemption. Calvin also holds that redemptive faith is just the faith that comes from a firm and strong belief so that it can overcome  all the doubts that may weaken it. This research tries to compare the views of these three thinkers of Islam and Christianity.


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