An Investigation of the Possibility of Using the Degrees of Perfection Argument for Proving the Existence of God

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Proving the existence of God has always been among the main intellectual concerns of the human. As a result, during the history of religious thoughts, the suggestion of various arguments for proving the existence of God as well as the assessment of the validity of these arguments have been the essential issues for the scholars of this field. One of these arguments which has been discussed mostly in the Western Philosophy – in particular in the works of Thomas Aquinas – is the Degrees of Perfection Argument. Due to the misunderstandings about it, this argument has received fierce criticisms and so, has not been welcomed warmly by the Western Philosophy. Similarly, this argument has either remained unknown or has been considered as invalid in the Islamic philosophy and theology. In this article, along with the introduction of the Degrees of Perfection argument and the expression of its backgrounds, some criticisms about it are answered. Moreover, through a brief comparison of this argument with the Sadrian reading of the Higher Possibility principle in the Islamic philosophy, we have tried to suggest a new reading of this argument based on the Sadrian philosophy.   


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