The Meaning of Life in Three Metaphorical Stories of Avicenna

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University, Esfahan, Iran


The issue of “the meaning of life” has always been in the background of all humans' minds and has been a prelude to the works of philosophers, psychologists and ethics scholars. Accordingly, as one of the greatest existential philosophers, Avicenna shows an understanding of the importance of the problem in all his works and tries to give a reasonable and well-founded explanation about the meaning of life.  From three main applications of the word “meaning”, i.e. purpose, value and function, the main focus of Avicenna has been the achievement of “the purpose of life”.  Through a descriptive-analytic-comparative methodology, this article intends to examine the foregoing problem in three metaphorical stories of Hayy ibn Yaqdhan, Risalat al-Tayr, and Salaman and Absal. In Avicenna’s view, the recognition of the meaning of life and r the attainment of its final purposes is a very difficult way and a path abundant with so many obstacles. He sometimes interprets the obstacles as “bad friends” (in Hayy ibn Yaqdhan), sometimes as “net, seed and chain” (in Risalat al-Tayr) and sometimes as “coquettishness’” (in Salaman and Absal). Avicenna suggests that the only way to free oneself from such disagreeable circumstances and to obtain the meaning of life is to seek it in conscious action, continuous struggle, and a deep and broad vision of the human life.


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