The Relationship between Faith and Reason from the Viewpoint of Najmuddin Razi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Religious Studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The present article aims at finding an epistemic relationship between faith and reason and ultimately measuring the amount of rationality from the viewpoint of Najmuddin Razi. Faith and reason in his view are epistemological instruments, and the essence of wisdom or the spirit of the Mercy to the Worlds - with its numerous qualities - is a luminous substance with aspects such as reign, light and pen. Then, rational knowledge is a level on the hierarchy of attaining the monotheism knowledge and is a position for reaching the intuitive knowledge that is useful in the intelligible world, and the saving knowledge is the one in which the human intellect structure informs the light of faith, so that prophecy of the prophets is prescribed. The essence of faith is a mine whose second place is the heart, and reliance on rationality is the path for faith; the effect of the radiation of the light of faith on the heart is called acknowledgment. The relationship between faith and reason as depicted by Razi is a balanced and mixed rationality, one which falls between maximal and critical rationalism combined with fideism that play an effective role in determining the validity or invalidity of religious belief systems in the philosophy of religion and the interaction of the two causes the correct presentation of religion, and prevents internal and external damages. All of these have been extracted from the comparison of his views with the comprehensive approaches to the faith and reason.


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