The Role of Qur’ānic Semiotics in Revealing the Origin of the Islamic Sufism and Mysticism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Regardless of the mystics' claim, there have been various discussions on the origin of Islamic Sufism and Mysticism among Muslim and non-Muslim scholars for a long time, and some attempts have been made to clarify its true origin in Islam in both negation and affirmation domains. Allamah Tabataba'i, Hasanzadeh Amoli, Jawadi Amoli, Ramezani, Yazdanpanah, Motahhari, and Imam Khumeini (May God have mercy on him) and many other Hawzah graduates and figures along with Homa'i, Zarrinkub, Purjawadi, Pazuki, A‘wani, and tens of other great university scholars in the contemporary era introduce the Qur’ān and Hadith legacy of Islam as the origin of the Islamic mysticism. Similarly, Massignon, Nicholson, Corbin, Schimmel, Paul Noya, Chittick and tens of other orientalists seriously believe that the main origin of the Islamic mysticism is comprised of the Qur’ān as well as the Sunna and practices of the Noble Prophet (s). The study at hand uses an analytic approach to classify the qur’ānic semiotics that refer to the origin of the mysticism and Sufism into the following categories: a) narrating the words of some of the foregoing figures to prove the argument; b) presenting direct quotations and clear expositions of some great masters of the early mystics about the intended issue; c) specifying the relationship between the Qur’ān and the definition, topic, problems, and purpose of Sufism and mysticism; d) word choices made by the mystics for the title of their books as well as the terminology they have used in the two realms of theoretical mysticism and practical conduct of Sufism taken from the qur’ānic words, and e) reporting more than fifty groups of qur’ānic verses, each alluding or directly referring to the important mystic teachings and revealing the main origin of the Islamic mysticism.


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