The Network Model of Sharia in the Epistemic Theory of Ibn Arabi and Its Anthropological Outcomes

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Ibn Arabi’s epistemology has an irrevocable tie with sharia. For Ibn Arabi, Sharia is the single route to the truth. Sharia is the criterion for cognition, the source of cognition and the provider of double certitude in his epistemology. Sharia, in his view, acts as a criterion in the field of theory and practice. In theory, sharia is also a criterion in both intellectual knowledge and visionary knowledge both of which, the author believes, are comprehended with or without a mediator. The one who travels with his intellects toward the truth takes the divine religion as his model and imitates it to acquire the triad of justice, knowledge and etiquette. The realization of these characteristics in his existence necessitates attending the secondary causes. Ibn Arabi introduces the gist of these secondary causes as the human “identity” and although he considers it a barrier, he believes that it is an inevitable barrier, and wisdom requires reverence to this barrier.                                                                                      


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