From the Autonomy of Worldly Ethics to the Heteronomy of Divine Ethics (A new Stance to the Different Types of Relations between Ethics and Religion)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Master's Holder, Mofid University, Qom, Iran


A question that has always engulfed the minds of the thinkers is the relationship between religion and reason. This issue has been dealt with in the Islamic world, too, and in particular, the subject of good and evil in the field of ethics has been discussed. In this article, various types of relations between ethics and religion are discussed, each of these approaches has been criticized, and finally, a new viewpoint to autonomy has been offered in which a distinction between Worldly ethics and divine ethics is used to show that the worldly ethics is not based or dependent on the divine ethics and can be examined independently. However, the divine and transcendental ethics can only be driven from religion and is defined and explained in the context of religion. Moreover, it is found that autonomy in the domain of worldly ethics is congruent with heteronomy in the domain of divine ethics, that is to say, the two might prescribe similar moral rulings in many cases, but the spirit, and more precisely, the basis of their acts and the origin of their suggestions and admonitions are different.


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