The Theological Beliefs and Humanities: Position and Manner of Influence

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought (IICT), Qom, Iran


Undoubtedly, a comprehensive awareness of the shortcomings of existing theology, a precise answer to the possibility of the Islamization of sciences, and a clear response to the possibility of the emancipation of sciences from presuppositions are possible only through the adoption of a macro-vision to the interaction points, which in turn leads to an understanding of the way theological beliefs affect humanities. Along with accepting the dependence of humanities and its main issues on the theological propositions in general (and not in particular), this article adopts a historical-analytic method to attain the foregoing purpose through a comprehensive design. The design suggests that: a) as the receiver of the effects, science or scientific activity sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly is affected by the beliefs; b) in the indirect effect, the theological beliefs first affect the epistemic (i.e. philosophical and scientific) or non-epistemic (e.g. scientists' traits, culture, environment, research population) factors that influence science or scientific activity, and then they affect the humanities; c) effects on the activities and processes of science and research can be perceived at minor and major levels, since science can be considered in relation to research question and general knowledge, and so it can be examined based the processes of these two domains, and d) in case science is taken to mean discipline, the scientific factors such as topic, method, purpose, etc. are affected by the theological beliefs.


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