A discussion of the Triple Arguments of Muhaqqiq Khafri for the Existence of God and the Assessment of Sadr al-Muta'llihin's Objections to Them

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, University of Religions, Qom, Iran


Muhaqqiq Khafri is a philosopher who has put forth several arguments for the existence of God. He has considered his arguments as possessing the characteristics of the Truthful Ones' arguments. These arguments use issues such as the reality of existence and the set of beings to prove the Necessary Being. Mulla Sadra deems these arguments incomplete since he believes that they confuse the individual with nature or are formed based on the existence of a set of beings, while only the individuals within the set have real existence. The article at hand presents and explains Khafri's arguments in detail and assesses the objections of Mulla Sadra to them. The conclusion is that the arguments of Khafri have been correct and the objections of Mulla Sadra to them are not acceptable.


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