The Methodology of the Determination of the Epistemological Value of the Shī‘a Religious Claims

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Knowledge, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran


The epistemological value is the same as the conformity with reality. In the discussion of the epistemological value of the Shī‘a religious claims, all religious teachings that are used as the positive criteria in the determination of the correctness or incorrectness of knowledge regard the conformity of the claims with reality. In this method, all religious teachings originate from the sublime God and whatever He says are realities that exist in the world, and His words all conform to reality. Therefore, the epistemological value of these teachings proves their issuance by God. The discussion on the epistemological value of religious teachings in this method has been examined via two perspectives. The first one regards how people ascertain the conformity of the religious teachings with reality, which includes discussions such as reason, narrating from and introducing the previous prophets, and miracle. The second perspective regards the way a prophet ascertains the conformity of the religious teachings with reality, which entails topics such as the role of infallibility in receiving and delivering the religious teachings, the role of Holy Spirit in the epistemological value of the religious teachings, and the role of prophets' way of being authenticated in their knowledge about religious teachings. In the religious epistemology, knowledge is attained through God's inspiration and revelation and these two ways have the highest value, while reason and narrations follow revelation and become a source of religious epistemological source in the light of it.


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