The Relationship between Soul and Body and Its Effect on Eternity from the Viewpoint of Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Master’s Holder in Philosophy of Religion, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Though the question of eternity of soul in the philosophies of Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas is treated differently, the two viewpoints have some comment points. In his creative completion of Aristotle’ exposition of psychology, Avicenna introduced the “perfection” condition into the definition of soul to replace the word “form” so as to make him able to talk about the incorporeity of soul. Also, in the explication of the relationship between soul and body, he insisted on the governing role of soul rather than essential and substantial union of the two. Thomas Aquinas adopted Avicenna’s eternity of soul theory and asserted that the soul is a form for body in order to make the resulting outcome a compromise between the Aristotelian and Avicennan viewpoints. However, he did not set forth a clear theory that can show the essential yet breakable relationship between soul and body in his explanation of the quality of the relationship between the eternal soul and the mortal body.


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