The Domains of Ethics in the Theocratic Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Public Law, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Holder in Public Law, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


The Islamic Republic of Iran was established based on a religious theory and its constitution was also developed based on religious concepts such as the Unity of God, Justice, Imamat, and Resurrection. On the other hand, the constitution sets the ground for the organization of the essential institutions and primary values, and guarantees the citizens’ freedoms. Although at first glance the constitution is considered a legal document with legally normative functions, we can now see the appearance of ethical points – mostly religion-based – in this supreme document. These ethical points can be considered as conditions for the rulers, a clarification of their required qualifications, and standards for the evaluation of their governance. Adopting an ethical approach, the article at hand aimed at investigating the basic existential philosophy of the constitution as well as the principles mentioned in it, and tried to show that ethical teachings exist explicitly and implicitly in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and continue to support it. It is even possible to give in an ethical interpretation of institutions such as the constitution and the separation of powers.


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