The Epistemic Exploration of Adam’s Residence in the Intermediate-World Paradise and His Fall from it from the Viewpoint of Neo-Sadrian Philosophers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Islamic Philosophy and Jurisprudence, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


The article at hand investigates the opinions and works of neo-Sadrian philosophers about “the necessity of Adam’s (a) early residence in Paradise” based on religious texts. The study is a document analysis which adopts content analysis and description method. The foregoing philosophers take the stance that the human should start his path from a descending status in the intermediate world, go through the multiplicity of the material world, and start the evolutionary life and ascending movement based on his own free will toward the unity of the world of intelligence. Therefore, according to the qur’ānic assertion, Adam (a) started his path to the material life from the intermediate-world paradise. During the time he was in that paradise, he learned the primary lessons such as the divine names, the reality of the divine vicegerent status, and the angels’ prostration to him so as to be able to live on the earth. Moreover, he got familiar with Satan’s temptations and harsh hostility toward the human status. It was after the adoption of these lessons and assets that the human was sent down to the earth. Therefore, the presence of Adam in paradise was due to a huge perfection-oriented benefit based on which he needed to be placed first in the celestial abode of this universe and then to be sent down to the earth. This view is nothing but an interpretation of the status of the human that involves the status of Adam as a prerequisite for humanness in all humans rather than Adam (a) alone. This view asserts that Adam’s presence in paradise has been a kind of self-discovery for him, while his fall from it is equal to the start of his perfection path, since any ascension follows a fall.


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