The Life Experience from the Viewpoints of Mullā Ṣadra and Dilthey

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Islamic Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Dilthey is a philosopher of life who has investigated the context of life. His view to “life experience” has many similarities to the stance taken by Mullā Ṣadra toward life in his transcendental theosophy. The article does not take the life experience as the “lived experience” of the Dilthey’s philosophy, but rather, it defines the foregoing term as any temporal view to life that examines the human activities during a period of time. The examination of the goals and general path of these two philosophers and their stance toward the life experience reveals a kind of similarity and resemblance that helps us make a comparison between the thoughts of these two thinkers. History and temporality as well as feeling, experience, and the quality of understanding are issues that are addressed in this paper. The flow of life and its active, common, and direct understanding are the main common points of these two philosophers. That is to say, in its movement during the course of life, soul– which is accompanied by value profusion – defines its evolution direction through its volitional act and determines its ideal body.


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