An Examination of the Relationship between Free-Will and Destiny in the World of Existence from the Viewpoint of Allameh Tabataba’i

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Islamic Theology/ Shī‘a studies, University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


The belief in the free-will of the human on the one hand and the divine decree’s governing of the human life on the other hand appear paradoxical. Therefore, it seems that we should either accept the necessary governing of the divine decree and ignore the power of human free-will, or accept the existence of human volition in the world of contingence and reject any obligation in the world of existence. In order to remove this paradox, it is vital to specify and analyze the meaning of destiny, its necessity and regularity, its relationship with the concept of the world of command and the question on the knowledge of the divine God about the acts and rights of the human on the one hand and the meaning of freedom, free-will and choice of the human in relation to the bliss and affliction, and the examination of the nature of the human on the other hand. Such an analysis has a significant role in the understanding and comprehension of the foregoing question. Through his ontological and humanistic attitude, Allameh Tabataba’i believes that on the one hand, the human performs good acts or commits evil acts in this world based on his free will and establishes his existence and identity through the substantial motion of the soul, while on the other hand, God – in the world of command as the world of pure actualization and stability – knows the destiny and the final outcome of the human’s life as either blissful or afflicted through His eternal knowledge (super-temporal and timeless knowledge), though he has destined the human to be free in this world. As this assertion seems paradoxical, the author of the present article has tried to solve this problem and remove the seeming paradox using the works of the honorable Allameh.


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