The Ethical Motivation Factors in Ibn Arabi’s Mystic Theology

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Holder in Philosophy of Ethics, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Ethics, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


The main question of this study was to identify the ethical motivation factors from the viewpoint of Ibn Arabi and to depict the path through which the ethical agent would achieve the optimal life intended by religion and ethics. A reference to Ibn Arabi’s works using a descriptive-analytical method made it possible for us to explain the ethical motivation steps as follows. In order to expand the existence, the general Divine grace bestowed the virtue of life onto the human, while the specific grace of sublime God installed the human as the (potential) collection of Names. The knowledge that is gifted by God and leads to knowing the world of archetypes informs the human about the reality of his existence. The divine grace and the human’s knowledge of this grace bring about kindness, set the ground for him to make effort, and make the context for the growth of optimal human character. Finally, the station of guardianship and knowledge about the divine guardians is another aspect of the divine grace, a way to recompense for the human knowledge incompleteness, and a compensation for his defective ambition; the last factor accelerates the transition from ethical motivation to ethical act.


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