The Method of Creating a Social-cultural Transformation Inspired by the Goals of the Qur'an in the Course of Descent

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Studies, Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought, Qom, Iran


At book of God the Wise, 29aims have been counted for the Quran. Studying the aims becomes possible considering their repetition in Quran’s verses, the type of audiences of the verses, the way they have been distributed throughout the Chapters their purposes the periods of the development of the society of believers. This article examines the developmental educational results of the distribution of verses at early period after the advent of Islam; when the prophet (May God Send Peace on Him) had publicized his invitation but Muslims were still living in secret. Present research follows the style of interpretation that is based on the time of descent of the verses. Change starts with the statement of the harmony of Quran with innate needs. When faced with change, people are divided into2groups.The majority of them fall within the stream that resists change the minority of them are in the group that join the change. The position of the first group must be changed via resorting to warnings threats via frightening them. This can also be done through responding to their doubts. The second group must be guided toward growth perfection via explaining different issues to them providing them with responses to the doubts of the opponents. Also their confidence in reaching their inherent natural desires must be preserved. Meanwhile, if the leader’s executors of change stay firm on the path toward reform, they will be sure that Divine laws will help them support them. In this path, they will find themselves accompanying the revolutionaries throughout history will be sure to reach Divine rewards, salvation prosperity. Aim of Quran at first phase of revelation of the Chapters is to make people reach such valuable.


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