Modern Humanism Inders the Role of Religion in Imam Musa Sadr's Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Islamic Studies, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili Ardabil, Iran


Humanism, or modern humanism, is one of the schools that places man at the center of everything and emphasizes the uniqueness of his will and desires. According to Imam Musa Sadr, this school hinders the effective role of religion in today's world. Therefore, this article aims to critically analyze the foundations of this school based on Imam Musa Sadr's works and opinions. It addresses the question: How does modern humanism hinder the formation of roles, and does religion play an individual and social role in life? The findings reveal that religion is often treated as an object (associated with identification) according to the philosophy of objectivism, particularly prevalent in the West. This philosophy prioritizes sensory experience over mental cognition and views concepts as detached from emotions and preferences. Consequently, religion fails to manifest itself in the lives of individuals influenced by this perspective. Similarly, humanism, which interprets everything self-centeredly in accordance with personal and partisan interests, has distanced itself from God-centeredness, religion, and ethics. This distancing has led to the one-sided development of individuals, the transformation of self-love into selfishness, the proliferation of dictatorship, colonialism, discrimination, and insurgent capitalism. Criticizing this trend, Sadr argues that science and human reason alone are insufficient for the happiness of both worlds. Instead, a God-centered approach, an understanding of the truth of religion, and comprehensive education should be considered alongside science and reason to foster the evolution and happiness of both the individual and society as a whole.


Main Subjects

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