Ghazali's critique on the doctrine of teaching - the basis of Ismaili Shia religious epistemology with the narration of Nasser Khosrow

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Philosophy of Religion, Research Institute of Philosophical Studies and History of Science, Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


One of the important topics in contemporary philosophy of religion is religious epistemology. This issue is predominantly discussed with an analytical approach. Of course, attempts have been made to infer the views of philosophers regarding this matter by referring to continental philosophies. Similarly, insights from thinkers in the Iranian-Islamic tradition have been utilized to gain a better understanding of this topic. In this article, I will discuss the doctrine of education, which is considered one of the most crucial foundations of Ismaili Shia religious epistemology. There is a notable difference between Ismailiyyah (Batinyyah, didacticism) and Imamiyyah. However, they share an opinion in one of the most important beliefs, i.e., believing in the infallible Imam and obeying him. Analyzing the theory of education and the criticisms included in it can help to better understand the theory of Imamate among the Imams. Moreover, understanding the doctrine of education is of fundamental importance in comprehending the religious epistemology of Ismailia. The problem addressed in this research is the analysis of Ghazali's criticism of the doctrine of education.


Main Subjects

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