A comparative evaluation of the validity of »Argument of order« from the point of view of Shahid Sadr and Shahid Motahari

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Department of Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Faculty of Islamic Education and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Argument of order, with different interpretations and from different perspectives, has been noticed by scientists. Islamic thinkers disagree about the value of this argument. Some philosophers believe that arguments based on order have no Argumentative value and they do not have enough strength to prove and recognize God. In return, a group of theologians have defended this argument and emphasized its special advantages. This research, with a descriptive-analytical and critical method, has evaluated the validity of this argument as the most general way of knowing God from the point of view of these two great thinkers. In this way, it is possible to know God with the reasons that have the highest level of perfection. As a result, Shahid Sadr's interpretation of the proof of order is based on the theory he adopted in epistemology and considering the problems faced by other interpretations of the order argument, including the interpretation based on "rational logic", It seems that the way proposed by Martyr Sadr is the best way to validate the order argument as a precise philosophical argument.


Main Subjects

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