An introduction to the idea of "contingent justice"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Shia Studies and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran. Tehran, Irran

2 Department of Ethics, University of Islamic teachings, Qom, Iran



One of the most fundamental categories in Islam is the principle of justice, which is considered the key to balance in the world of development and legislation. In this article, according to the drawing and presentation of the mechanism of justice with expediency, the idea of expediency justice is proposed, in which expediency is of the category of justice, of course, of the type of contingent justice, in which there is no need to sacrifice justice to expediency or expediency to justice. In fact, according to the principle of reasonable profit and the semantic spirit of the concept of justice, rulings and orders, in the case of unity (principle of the subject), were subject to (the conditions of the subject) until the ruling was made in its appropriate position and the most appropriate action was determined according to the circumstances. In fact, the secondary matters and the judgment subordinate to it are within the scope of the principle of contingent justice and correspondence between justice and expediency. In this discourse, passing expediency is not only not fair, but it will bring the person or matter into the category of oppression.


Main Subjects

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