Criticism of Kant's foundations regarding the relationship between faith and religious practice: with an emphasis on the opinion of Shahid Motahari

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Medicine, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran


One of the issues that has always been the subject of controversy between Islamic and Western theologians and philosophers is the issue of the relationship between faith and action. In all religions, their followers are asked to adhere to religion in addition to faith in action. Meanwhile, in his works, Kant considers human reason capable of drawing a comprehensive plan for his happiness and believes in a moral ritual itself. Relying on the power of reason to recognize principles and generalities, Motahari believes that human reason is not capable of drawing such a comprehensive road map and has criticized Kant's views on this matter. This article tries to express the damage caused to Kant's foundations regarding faith and religious practice. Among the harms that can be considered from the perspective of Kant to this idea are: reducing religious concepts to rational perceptions, not paying attention to the difference between Actual good and good actor, humanizing divine laws, wandering, being caught in the contradiction of idea and action, neglecting The root and origin of religious and moral actions, lack of separation between purpose and means and lack of separation between types of relationships.


Main Subjects

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