The review of the evidence of the embodiment of moral actions for the rational proof of religious propositions from the perspective of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Moral Philosophy, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute of Qom, Qom, Iran


Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in addition to narrative evidence in proving the embodiment of actions, also points to its rational stabilization. Therefore, this research, using a descriptive-analytical method, examines the intellectual evidences of the embodiment of moral actions from the perspective of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli to reach the rationality of religious data; On the one hand, he does not accept the rational arguments of some thinkers in explaining the embodiment of moral actions based on the transformation of energy into matter, and considers it to be neglect of intention in ethics, He rejects Fakhr Razi's point of view on reject of the embodiment of actions based on to be width of actions and impossibility to Convert width to essence .and considers it a confusion between theoretical and practical wisdom; It seems that the rational explanation of the transformation of energy into matter can also be presented in the intention, Also, since breadth the width has the dignity of substance in the transcendental wisdom, so by explaining the movement of substance, the embodiment of actions can be stabilized from a rational point of view, therefore, the embodiment of actions is still It is acceptable as one of the proofs of moral realism.


Main Subjects

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